Professor Scott Burnham named an Honorary Member of AMS


Congratulations to Distinguished Professor Scott Burnham, who was recently named an Honorary Member of the American Musicological Society.

“For his contributions to the fields of musicology and music theory (whose overlap he has richly demonstrated), for his distinguished teaching career, and for his generous service to these fields and to the AMS. His path-breaking publications include books about Beethoven and Mozart, as well as numerous articles across the major journals in the fields of musicology and music theory. His research has been recognized by the AMS Kinkeldey Award and Princeton’s Howard T. Behrman Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Humanities. Among many other activities, he has generously served the AMS, as chair of the Program Committee and member or chair of the Committee on Committees, Kinkeldey Award Committee, Publications Committee, and on the JAMS Editorial Board. He is a Distinguished Professor at the CUNY Graduate Center and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, where he has touched the lives of many graduate and undergraduate students.”

For more, please visit AMS’s announcement at this link.

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