The students of the Department of Music at The Graduate Center, CUNY, are pleased to announce the 26th Annual GSIM Conference, to be held virtually on March 24-25, 2023. We invite graduate students in all disciplines who work on music to submit proposals for presentations on any topic. We are accepting proposals for academic papers and […]
Archive | Call for Papers

The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
JITP, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, cordially invites submissions for all sections. JITP welcomes work that explores critical and creative uses of interactive technology in teaching, learning, and research. We invite submissions of audio or visual presentations, interviews, dialogues, or conversations, creative works, manifestos, or jeremiads as well as traditional long-form articles. Submissions might […]

TRANS-Transcultural Music Review Call for Article Submissions
TRANS 17 (2013) invites GC students to submit academic articles about music with a transversal perspective. TRANS-Transcultural Music Review is on-line and free accessed. It is the peer to peer reviewed journal of the Society for ethnomusicology of Spain and Spanish Branch of IASPM. TRANS receives around 30,000 visits per month, ranks in highest place among […]