Monday, October 15, 5:30 PM, Room 3491
Amy Herzog, Department of Media Studies, Queens College, and Graduate Center:
“Music, Memory, and Materiality, Or, How to Do Things with Philosophy and Sound in Media Studies”
Amy Herzog is Associate Professor of Media Studies and Coordinator of the Film Studies Program at Queens College. She is the author of Dreams of Difference, Songs of the Same: The Musical Moment in Film (University of Minnesota Press, 2010). She is the co-General Editor of Women’s Studies Quarterly, and serves on the editorial board of American Music. Before coming to Queens, she worked at several film, media, and arts institutions in New York, most recently assisting with the Andy Warhol Film Project at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Her research interests include film, philosophy, popular music, and gender studies. She is currently co-editing an anthology on sound and image in digital media for Oxford University Press. Her most recent research project centers on “small screen” film and video technologies and their impact on urban space.
Friday, October 19, 2:30 PM: New Orleans (and Ithaca) Previews I
Jake Cohen (CUNY Graduate Center), “Carl Ruggles, Walt Whitman, and the Gendered Place of Men and Mountains”
Stephanie Jensen-Moulton (Brooklyn College), “Disabled Opera Singers: An Exposition”
Richard Kramer (CUNY Graduate Center), “Konstanze’s Tears”
Wednesday, October 24, 5:30 PM: New Orleans Previews II
Ryan Jones (CUNY Graduate Center), “Cadence in Mahler: Principles, Types, and Transformations
Chadwick Jenkins (City College and CUNY Graduate Center), “Che sconsolata sei: The Phenomenology of Echo in Seventeenth-Century Opera”
Mark Spicer (Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center), “‘A Day in the Life’ and the Anxiety of the Beatles’ Influence”
Thursday, October 25, 5:15, 5:30: New Orleans Previews III and IV
Room 3491, 5:15
Ryan Bazinet, “Singing for Shango, Enchanting the Diaspora: Trinidadian Orisha Music in Brooklyn”
Gordon Dale, “Partnership Minyanim: The Envoicing of Orthodox Jewish Women”
George Murer, “The Elektrosaz as a Subculture in North Kurdistan/Southeastern Anatolia”
Tom Zlabinger, “‘Free From Jazz’: The Jazz and Improvised Music Scene in Vienna (1971–2011)”
Room 3389, 5:30
Joseph Straus (Graduate Center, “Harmony and Voice Leading in the Music of Stravinsky”
Richard Porterfield (CUNY Graduate Center), “Invariance under Transposition in Sonata-Form Arias of Mozart”
Eric Wen (Mannes College of Music), “Drawing Parallels: Thirds and Sixths in Bach’s Fugues in B-flat minor and G minor from Book 2 of The Well-Tempered Clavier”
Friday, October 26, 2:00 ROOM 5414
Emily Wilbourne (Queens College and Graduate Center), “Listening to the Commedia dell’arte”.
Sponsored by the Graduate Center’s Early Modern Interdisciplinary Study Group