Theory Dissertations and Alumni

Theory Dissertations and Alumni

CUNY Music Theory Dissertations and Alumni

The music theory dissertations authored by students and graduates in the CUNY Music Theory Program deal with a wide array of topics and areas. The following is a list of dissertations that current students are working on:


  • Erin Johnston, “Symphonies that ‘Sing’: Reevaluating Voices and Vocality in Mahler’s Early Symphonic Works.”
  • Christina Lee, “A Model for Hindemith Analysis: A Study of Hindemith’s Piano Sonatas.”
  • Nathan Pell, “Repetition and Division in Tonal Music.”
  • Jong Song, “Stereo Soundscapes: A Study of Spatiality and Form in Recorded Popular Music.”
  • Alice Xue, “African Music’s Hidden Architectures: A Journey into Form and Structure.”


The following is a list of the CUNY music theory dissertations completed since 1996, followed by the school where the graduate is teaching/has taught and/or their current employment:

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