The Graduate Center Music Program is pleased to share that the 2016 AMS/SMT Conference was an incredible success for our students, faculty, and alumni! Six GC students presented papers, one student participated in a panel discussion, GC faculty chaired six different paper panels, four faculty members presented papers, faculty members were represented five times on special discussion panels, and an outstanding number of CUNY professors, professor emeriti, and alumni received awards for recent publications. Additionally, Graduate Center faculty member Scott Burnham was featured as the SMT keynote speaker. In the words of Professor Joseph Straus:
“Our new colleague, Scott Burnham, gave a keynote address for the ages. It was an extraordinary performance—I’ve never heard a presentation I found so gripping and moving, or seen such rapt attention and enthusiastic response from an audience. We are very lucky to have Scott among us.”
A complete list of Graduate Center and CUNY faculty and student participation, representation on the 2016 AMS/SMT program, and award winners is as follows:
Thomas Johnson (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Lying About Tonality: A New World of Topic in Early Twentieth-Century Modernist Music”
Aaron Harcus (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Between Sign and Convention: On the Phenomenology of Modernist Musical Topics”
Xieyi (Abby) Zhang (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Between Half and Perfect Cadences: Alternate Antecedent Tonicizations within Parallel Periods”
Jacob A. Cohen (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Dancing in the Barn with Charles Ives”
Maria Edurne Zuazu (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Audiotopias and Remembrance in the Reception of Janet Cardiff’s The Forty Part Motet in New York City, 2001–14”
Natalie Oshukany (Graduate Center, CUNY), “‘Brighton Beach Has Long Been Odessan’: Willi Tokarev and the Third Wave Soviet Jewish Immigrant Community in 1980s New York City”
Session: Vaulting Over the Ivy Wall: Alternatives for Musicologists to a Traditional Tenure- Track Academic Career, Sponsored by AMS Committee on Career-Related Issues: Naomi Perley (Graduate Center, CUNY), on doctoral training and alternate careers.
Positional Listening/Positional Analysis (SMT) – Mark Spicer (Hunter College / Graduate Center, CUNY), Chair
Nineteenth-Century Periods – Poundie Burstein (Hunter College / Graduate Center, CUNY), Chair
Sounding Stereotypes (AMS) – Tina Frühauf (Graduate Center, CUNY), Chair
The Eloquent Body (AMS) – Janette Tilley (Lehman College / Graduate Center, CUNY), Chair
Alla Bastarda (AMS) – Emily Wilbourne (Queens College / Graduate Center, CUNY), Chair
News from the Ars Nova – Anne Stone (Graduate Center, CUNY), Chair
Transatlantic Utopias – Stephanie Jensen-Moulton (Brooklyn College, CUNY), Chair
SMT Keynote Address – Scott Burnham (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Words and Music”
Joseph N. Straus (Graduate Center, CUNY), “Octave Doubling in Babbitt’s Swan Song no. 1”
Charles Neidich (The Juilliard School/Queens College, CUNY), “Knowledge and Imagination: On Performing Elliott Carter’s Gra for B-flat Clarinet”
Emily Wilbourne (Queens College / Graduate Center, CUNY), “Ahi ghidy, Ahi Chavo: Racialized Difference and Theatrical Sound on the Early Modern Italian Stage”
Jennifer C. H. J. Wilson (Brooklyn College, CUNY), “Vive la France! Vive la Révolution! . . . à New York”
Session: Cripping the Music Theory/Music History Curriculum – Sponsored jointly by the AMS Music and Disability Study Group and SMT Disabilitiy and Music Interest Group: Stephanie Jensen-Moulton (Brooklyn College, CUNY), and Joseph Straus (Graduate Center, CUNY).
Presentation: New Networks of Music Literature: RILM and Musicology in the Twenty-First Century: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (Editor-in-Chief ) and Tina Frühauf (Content Acquisitions Director), Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation, Graduate Center, CUNY
Presentation: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) goes digital in 2016: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie and Jonathan Greenberg (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Wallace Berry Award for Outstanding Book:
Ruth Deford (CUNY Professor emerita), Tactus, Mensuration and Rhythm in Renaissance Music
Outstanding Article Award:
Catherine Losada (CUNY alumna), “Complex Multiplication, Structure, and Process: Harmony and Form in Boulez’s Structures II”
Outstanding Multi-author Collection Award:
Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure, ed. David Beach and Yosef Goldenberg–featuring ten scholars associated with CUNY:
- Roger Kamien, festschrift honoree of this volume (former Queens College CUNY Professor)
- Eytan Agmon (CUNY alumnus)
- Charles Burkhart (CUNY Professor emeritus)
- Poundie Burstein (CUNY Professor and alumnus)
- Timothy Jackson (CUNY alumnus)
- Joel Lester (former CUNY Professor)
- Frank Samarotto (CUNY alumnus)
- Lauri Suurpää (former CUNY visiting scholar)
- Eric Wen (CUNY alumnus)
- Channan Willner (CUNY alumnus)
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